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For All Contestants:

1.  Contestants should arrive 20 minutes before their allotted time slot to check in.

  • Any contestant arriving after his/her allotted time slot may or may not have the chance to participate in the competitions. Participation for these contestants will depend on the availability of the judges.

2. Contestants must have their music. NO PHOTOCOPIED MUSIC ALLOWED**

  • If students do not have music, they can choose to play for comments only.

  • Music must have measures numbered.

  • Names of teachers and students should be removed from all music

**If music is purchased on an online platform (such as and printed off, the music must be presented with a receipt from that website.

3. Pieces must all be performed by memory.

4. All auditions are closed for this year.

5. The competition will be on a basis of number of contestants. If in a single year, less than 3 contestants apply for a single level, then that level will not be held that year. 

                             *In the chance that any level competition is not held, any application fees will be refunded accordingly

6. The judge may stop contestants if a piece goes over the time allotment. Judges may also stop contestants before the maximum time in order to write comments. Judges may also request contestants to not take repeats or stop the performance at the recapitulation of a sonata or sonata form piece. Only the judge may stop the contestants.

7. Door monitors may only signal judges during a performance when the time limit has been reached.

8. Teachers, contestants, and parents should not in any way converse with or be identified to the judges before and during the competitions  regarding the performance or rating of students. Judge decisions are final and shall not be questioned by contestants, parents, or teachers.

9. Communication between contestants, teachers and the audition chair should be in writing or by email.

10. *Teachers must send one check covering all contestants and teacher fees made payable to Southeast Young Artist Piano Competition (full name). Cash and parent checks will not be accepted.

                              *College division contestants may send in their own checks with their applications.

11. Contestant fee:

  • Levels 1-6: $50



There is a one time teacher's fee of: 

  • 1-5 students: $15

  • 6-11 students: $22

  • 12+ students: $32

If the teacher is able to come to work on the day of the competition, the fee can be voided. Substitutes for the teachers will not be allowed. Jobs and time slots for jobs will be assigned after the competitor's schedule has been finalized. 

Due to the ongoing pandemic, we ask that everyone observe the following guidelines so that we may provide a safe and supportive environment for all participants. We thank you for your consideration and contribution to our community!


COVID-19 Guidelines:

  • Contestants, parents, teachers, and judges are recommended to wear a face mask that covers the nose and the mouth.

    • You can find the CDC’s guidelines of face masks here.

  • Please come 20 minutes beforehand for check-in, so that the we can observe distance and time between each contestant’s arrival.

  • After check-in, parents/guardians are expected to wait outside of the building in order to keep social distancing possible indoors.

  • Please observe 6 ft social distancing

  • There will be no food or drink allowed indoors.

  • Contestants, please make sure to wash/sanitize your hands before playing.

  • *If any contestants, parents, teachers, and judges have any symptoms of illness (coughing, fever, chills, etc.) or have been in contact with anyone with symptoms of illness, within 2 weeks of the competition date please contact us as soon as possible and refrain from attending the competition in person.

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